Written by Derek Horne for The Western Front Association.

Did you have a relative in the First World War?
Do you have a photograph or souvenir?
Do you imagine the hardships they suffered and saw?
Do you feel for their plight, for their grit, and their fear?

Do you want to know more about their part in history?
Are you curious to know where they fought and fell?
Do you remember the family stories you heard?
Do you have a tale that you'd like to tell?

Do you look at the names on memorials and ponder,
The Great War battlefields Flanders and France?
Have you wondered at so many young men squandered?
And seen their headstones, dressed right, formed in ranks?

What is the truth about "Butchers and Bunglers",
"Lions led by Donkeys" and what we are told?
What strategies, leadership, successes and blunders,
And what tales from the Foe are yet to unfold?

Are you drawn in by the Great War artists?
Do the songs of the trenches strike a chord?
Are you versed in the works of the Great War poets?
Or the military historians of pen and sword?

Did you have a relative in the First World War?
Do you think of them, these brave young men?
And when you think of those "Corners of a Foreign Field",
Do you, like us, "Remember" them?


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